Aggreko tests hydrogen generator and fuel cell technology
Aggreko aims to become a net-zero business across all its services by 2050 by shifting to e-fuels, hydrogen-ready engines and fuel cells.

Aggreko, a UK supplier of temporary power generation equipment, has started a trial of hydrogen generators and fuel cell battery hybrid.
Aggreko in partnership with CMB.TECH, has developed a 50 kVA hydrogen combustion genset demonstrator. After successful testing, it is now working on ten such units to test and validate hydrogen as an energy carrier in temporary power sector. The solution, which is tier 4f/Stage V compliant without after treatment and results in nearly no NOx emissions, will be ready for customer installations in Europe later this year.
Aggreko has also partnered with Nedstack for building a fuel cell demonstration unit that will integrate zero-emission hydrogen technology into Aggreko’s canopy storage battery solution. The hydrogen hybrid consists of a Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) fuel cell and a lithium-ion storage system. The zero-emissions solution will be piloted in Aggreko’s hub in Moerdijk, Netherlands, for use in temporary power applications.
The fuel cell will be integrated with battery storage to form a 45 kVA hybrid solution. Aggreko hydrogen and fuel supply technologies will be used in end-use sectors ranging from events to construction to supply clean temporary power.
Aggreko made a commitment in 2020 to become a net zero business across all services it provides by 2050. It is now increasingly working on clean technologies like battery storage and solar power, hydrogen and fuel cell. The company is expediting investment in hydrogen technology to achieve its net-zero goals and strengthen its portfolio of emission-free temporary power equipment.
Carsten Reincke-Collon, Director of Future Technologies at Aggreko, said: “Businesses around the world are only at the start of the hydrogen journey and therefore need to be supported to find the best ways of integrating it into their operations.”