Acciona and Enagas start a green hydrogen project in Mallorca

Acciona and Enagas announced to go ahead with the industrial project ‘Power to Green Hydrogen Mallorca’ with their other partners Instituto para la Diversificación y Ahorro de la Energía (IDAE) and Cemex.

The project has procured electrolyser, an annual production capacity of over 330 tonnes of green hydrogen, from Hydrogenics, a part of Cummins Group.

The project is in the middle of securing development permits for electrolysis plant and two photovoltaic plants in Petra and Lloseta, Spain. Moreover, the venture will also look into developing a green hydrogen filling station in the area. The plant is set to be operational by 2021.

Once completed, the green hydrogen would be used to power fuel-cell vehicles, ferries and port operations; generate heat and power for the locals; supply hydrogen to refuelling stations and the island’s gas pipeline network.

This project is an integral part of Green Hysland initiative for which the EU’s Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU) pledged Euros 10 million, while the EU set aside EUR 50 million.

Jay Faris

Jay is the special correspondent covering the hydrogen market for H2 Bulletin. Click on the email icon to send me an email or follow me on social media. I am reachable on Phone: 02081237815
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