A2A, FNM and Snam agrees for green hydrogen mobility in Lombardy

A2A, Ferrovie Nord Milano (FNM) and Snam have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to support green hydrogen mobility in Lombardy, Italy.
The deal’s goals are to assess sourcing hydrogen from renewable and the supply to the new trains of Brescia–Edolo line, which FNM announced in November 2020.
The plan known as H2iseO will see building the first Italian hydrogen valley in Lombardy, running with hydrogen-powered trains by 2023.
FNM announced earlier that it would purchase six hydrogen fuel cell trains from Alstom France for 160 million Euros ($196 million). These new trains would replace the existing diesel-powered trains.
It is expected that by 2025, local public transport will also start using hydrogen-based solutions. Around 40 vehicles would be operated by FNMAutoservizi (owned by FNM) in Valcamonica with a freight logistics plan.