Chart and Ballard test liquid hydrogen; Xebec supplies electrolyser to Desmet Ballestra

Chart and Ballard will identify a potential demonstrator for liquid hydrogen road testing over the coming months.

Ballard Power Systems and Chart Industries, Inc. have successfully tested a fuel cell-powered by liquid hydrogen.

A Ballard FCmove™-HD fuel cell was paired with a Chart liquid onboard hydrogen vehicle fuel system. The test was conducted at Chart’s hydrogen test facility in Minnesota, US.

The demonstration confirms that heavy-duty vehicles powered by Ballard fuel cells will employ Chart HLH2 vehicle fuel systems that utilise liquid hydrogen as fuel. This recent work builds upon Chart’s previous fill, hold, and vaporisation testing of the Chart HLH2 vehicle fuel system and long-established credentials in LNG service for vehicle fuel systems.

Ballard and Chart project will identify applications in which liquid hydrogen has the potential to unlock long-distance opportunities, such as truck, coach bus, off-road, rail and marine.

Xebec Adsorption and Desmet Ballestra

Xebec Adsorption Inc. has signed a contract with Belgium-based Desmet Ballestra Group to deliver the company’s first Hy.GEN-e on-site electrolyser unit for a food application.

The electrolyser system, which produces 100 Nm3/h (215 kg/day) of hydrogen, will be used by one of Desmet Bellestra’s major customers in North Africa for a hydrogenation process. The installation will contribute to local industrial hydrogen supply, and the excess hydrogen quantities of high purity hydrogen can be used to fill emerging demand from FCEVs. The company believes that this approach can support the economic rollout of hydrogen refuelling infrastructure.

To date, Xebec has successfully delivered four Hy.GEN systems, which are based on the steam methane reforming process for food hydrogenation at facilities in Bangladesh and Colombia. Through its wholly-owned subsidiary HyGear, Xebec has delivered over 80 on-site hydrogen generation systems worldwide.

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