SHYNE to promote hydrogen in Spain

Spain has the opportunity to play a very relevant role in the European renewable hydrogen field.

The SHYNE (Spanish Hydrogen Network) project, the largest multisectoral consortium in Spain, has been established to promote the decarbonisation of the economy through renewable hydrogen.

SHYNE will deploy projects in ten autonomous communities and have a total investment of €3.23 billion that will serve to develop more competitive technologies and evolve both the Spanish industry and its infrastructure towards decarbonisation, generating over 13,000 jobs.

Among the consortium’s objectives is the ambition to reach an installed capacity of 500 MW in 2025 and 2 GW in 2030. This is half of the target set in the Hydrogen Roadmap published by the Spanish Government.

In addition, projects will be promoted throughout the value chain, including installing renewable generation and stimulating the different industrial uses of hydrogen through a strong sectoral integration. It will also promote the use of hydrogen in all transportation segments by producing synthetic fuels and creating infrastructure with at least 12 hydrogen filling stations by 2025.

The SHYNE project aims to generate an ecosystem that connects the large regional hydrogen initiatives already underway, such as the Basque Region Hydrogen Corridor (BH2C), the Hydrogen Valley of the Region of Catalonia, and the Hydrogen Valley of the Region of Murcia. In addition, SHYNE will promote the creation of two new innovation hubs in the regions of Castile-La Mancha and Madrid. Their objective will be to advance competitive technologies under development, such as photoelectrocatalysis or solid oxide electrolysis (SOEC).

A knowledge management centre will also be created in Madrid to coordinate cross-cutting actions and position the participating technology centres and universities as centres of reference in Europe. In this way, an efficient network will be created that will capture the synergies between production poles, industrial centres, and other hydrogen consumers, ensuring the competitiveness of the renewable gas and avoiding the transfer of additional costs to end-users.

The synergies between the companies collaborating in SHYNE will support coordinated industrial developments throughout the hydrogen value chain, maximizing investment capacities. Repsol’s industrial complexes are nerve centres for renewable hydrogen initiatives and will play a key role in SHYNE. They will combine the production and use of this gas to transform it into products with a low, zero, or a negative carbon footprint, such as sustainable fuels and materials for construction or healthcare, among others.

The SHYNE (Spanish Hydrogen Network) project is made up of 33 entities from different sectors. Repsol leads the consortium with six other companies to act as promoters of the initiative and other 26 partners. Companies that are part of SHYNE are:

Promoting partners

  • Repsol
  • Alsa
  • Bosch
  • Celsa
  • Enagás
  • Scania
  • Talgo

Collaborating partners

  • Asociación Española de Hidrógeno (AEH2)
  • Centro Nacional de Experimentación de Tecnologías de Hidrógeno y Pilas de Combustible (CNH2)
  • Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio
  • AMES Group
  • Balearia
  • BBE
  • Calvera
  • EPowerlabs
  • Iberia
  • Magrana
  • Navantia
  • Primafrío
  • Sidenor
  • Tubacex
  • Wartsila
  • Zigor
  • Centro Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)
  • Centro Tecnológico de Automoción de Galicia (CTAG)
  • Fundación Hidrógeno Aragón
  • Fundación Instituto de Investigación de la Energía de Cataluña (IREC)
  • Cidetec
  • Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
  • Universidad de Alicante

Josu Jon Imaz, CEO of Repsol, said, “SHYNE will allow us to unite our competences and drive the capabilities we need from small and medium-sized companies to accelerate the decarbonization of the Spanish economy together.”

Carlos Palacio, Chairman of Talgo, added, “The hydrogen technology applied to Talgo trains is currently in the assembly phase in a test train, and we will carry out on-track tests starting in March of this year.”

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