Toyota, Everfuel and DRIVR to scale-up hydrogen taxis in Copenhagen

The fuel cell taxis will significantly contribute to the decarbonisation of the Danish capital.

Toyota (carmaker), Everfuel (hydrogen supplier) and DRIVR (taxicab company) have signed a five years collaboration agreement on expanding the market for fuel-cell taxis.

The three parties agreed to continue its collaboration to move the market for fuel-cell vehicles substantially forward. There are around 100 Toyota’s hydrogen cars, Mirai, in Copenhagen, Denmark, as taxis at the Danish taxicab carrier, DRIVR. The three companies agreed to scale the number of fuel-cell taxis in Copenhagen to more than 200 by 2022 and over 500 by 2025.

Everfuel delivers hydrogen to DRIVR’s taxis and will be the sole hydrogen provider throughout the five-year contract. Everfuel is now working actively at establishing further hydrogen refuelling stations in the Greater Copenhagen area to meet the increasing demand from the new Mirai taxis and other vehicle segments.

The collaboration started in 2021 and serves as a solid foundation for the companies’ future collaboration. They are now expanding further outside Denmark to offer green transportation to even more taxi customers.

Jacob Krogsgaard, the CEO at Everfuel, said, “It is a substantial step in our proof-of-business phase, where we in collaboration with our partners, show how the entire hydrogen value chain can be connected.”

Haydar Shaiwandi, the CEO at DRIVR, commented, “With the agreement in hand, we are now prepared to meet the growing demand for fossil-free taxis among our customers, and we are proud to assist in the green transition within mobility.”

Bo Svane, GM for Mobility and New Businesses at Toyota Denmark, added, “This is a huge step towards decarbonisation of Copenhagen, and Toyota is proud to be a part of one of the biggest green taxi initiatives in Europe.”

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