PowerCell to produce hydrogen at its Gothenburg facility

The installation will function as a combined testbed and demonstration facility.

PowerCell Sweden AB to install fully integrated solar-cell solution for own production of green hydrogen at Ruskvädersgatan in Gothenburg, Sweden.

It will also install an electrolyser that will convert solar energy into green hydrogen, which will be used, for example, in PowerCell’s laboratory where fuel cells are continuously developed and tested and where completed fuel cell stacks and fuel cell systems are test run before being delivered to customers.

The laboratory is the biggest and most advanced hydrogen laboratory in northern Europe. PowerCell currently receives its hydrogen deliveries by truck from external suppliers. The project will serve as an industrial testbed for business development and help PowerCell become self-sufficient in hydrogen and secure its decentralised energy production for auxiliary power.

The installation is expected to be completed in the second half of 2022 though subject to various approvals from the authorities, such as construction permits, etc.

In addition to providing PowerCell with its hydrogen and electrical energy, the installation will also function as a combined testbed and demonstration facility for decentralised, sustainable energy systems for customers and other stakeholders.

The installation will be extremely flexible and utilised based on the energy requirement and access. When access to solar energy is good, or when grid electricity prices are very low, hydrogen will be produced, then stored locally for later use. It will also be possible to sell the hydrogen externally.

Richard Berkling, CEO of PowerCell Sweden AB, said, “This installation will allow us to replace the purchased hydrogen with hydrogen we produce ourselves, which will reduce the number of climate-impacting truck journeys to our facility.”

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