Nikola, Opal to develop hydrogen fueling network

The partnership will help fleets realise the potential of hydrogen fuel-cell trucks with reliable, cost-effective fueling infrastructure.

Nikola Corporation and Opal Fuels LLC have agreed on the development, construction, and operation of hydrogen fueling stations in North America and the use of renewable natural gas (RNG) in hydrogen production.

Both partners agreed to co-develop and co-market hydrogen refuelling infrastructure to accelerate the adoption of heavy-duty zero-emission fuel-cell electric vehicles (FCEV). The initial focus will be on developing the infrastructure required to more safely and reliably serve the needs of large private fleets. They will also identify and evaluate opportunities to establish public access hydrogen stations.

This collaboration will combine Nikola’s proposed FCEV bundled lease offer, including vehicle service and maintenance and hydrogen fuel supply, with Opal’s experience in developing, constructing, and operating heavy-duty truck fueling stations to deliver a complete end-to-end solution.

They also plan to initiate beta projects with select customers to drive engagement and accelerate development, develop best practices and standards for hydrogen refuelling station design and protocols.

Opal developed over 350 RNG fueling station projects and has over 15 years of successful relationships with trucking fleets across the continent. Nikola’s Tre FCEVs for the North American market is planned for a 2023 launch from the Arizona manufacturing facility.

Pablo Koziner,  Nikola President, Energy and Commercial, said, “This alliance with Opal Fuels provides excellent potential synergies given their experience building and operating fueling stations.”

Adam Comora, Co-CEO of Opal Fuels. “Coupled with RNG as a fuel source to lower the carbon intensity of hydrogen, we see a very powerful combination for the future.”

This week, Nikola and Tumim Stone Capital LLC agreed on a second $ 300 million common stock equity line purchase agreement. Early this month, it also signed an MoU with Iveco (the commercial vehicles brand of CNH Industrial) and Hamburg Port Authority AöR (HPA) during the inauguration of their joint-venture manufacturing facility in Ulm, Germany. Under the agreement, the partnership is to be in two phases covering around 25 Nikola Tre battery-electric vehicles (BEV) for delivery to the Port throughout 2022.


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