myFC to cooperate on fuel cell bicycle with a Japanese company

Both partners will cooperate in developing a proof of concept, expected to continue through the end of this year.

myFC (Swedish micro fuel cell company) agreed, and a leading bicycle and e-bicycle systems in Japan agreed for technology development and integration.

Under the agreement, Japan’s globally renowned bicycle systems manufacturer will evaluate myFC’s patented fuel cell solution in its e-bike system. This cooperation agreement builds upon the previous business relationship between the two companies where the Japanese partner ordered hydrogen fuel cell systems in June 2021.

Hydrogen will benefit from its ability to store energy using much less weight than a battery. The fuel cell system and hydrogen tank will replace the larger part of the battery in the e-bike system. These changes will make the bike lighter, keeping the dimensions unchanged, adding the advantage of a much faster option for refuelling than charging.

myFC’s technology in combination with lithium-ion batteries provides several advantages. The range can be extended considerably with micro fuel cells, which, unlike the dominant fuel cell technology of today – with stacked, square-shaped fuel cells – can be shaped in with great flexibility, making it possible to fit them in cramped spaces, such as a bicycle frame or similar applications.

Michael Glantz, CEO of myFC, said, “This cooperation is an important step toward a breakthrough for hydrogen systems in e-bikes and the commercialisation of myFC’s patented technology.”

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