Barents Blue project wins NOK 10M from Enova

Hydrogen and ammonia technology hold significant decarbonisation potential for several industries and allow close to zero-carbon production, storage, and energy utilisation.

Enova, the Norwegian government-owned organisation, has awarded NOK 10 million (US$ 1.21 million) to Horisont Energi AS (a Norwegian, independent energy company) to support the technology concept study for the Barents Blue ammonia project in Finnmark, Norway.

The Barents Blue project is the first large-scale greenfield blue ammonia plant in Europe which would be integrated into offshore CO2 storage. Haldor Topsoe will provide its SynCOR Ammonia™ technology which would convert gas into blue ammonia using autothermal reforming method.

The project aims to cut CO2 emissions from the ammonia production value chain using the SynCOR Ammonia™ technology at a large scale. The plant will produce over 1 million tonnes/year of blue ammonia once operational in 2025.

Bjrgulf Haukelidsæter Eidesen, CEO of Horisont Energi, said, “There are currently no large-scale ammonia production plants in the world using natural gas with close to zero carbon emissions.”

Nikolaj Knudsen, Senior Product Line Director at Haldor Topsoe, commented, “Our SynCOR Ammonia™ technology is ideally suited to capture CO2 and coupled with Horisont Energi’s astute selection of sites, it offers the world a unique and efficient energy supply with an extremely low carbon footprint.”

Ammonia is considered one of the ways to ship hydrogen safely and securely. Upon arrival at the destination, ammonia can be converted back to hydrogen or can be used directly. Blue Ammonia contains 17.65 wt% hydrogen.

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