Snam, Wolftank to build hydrogen refuelling stations in Italy

Both partners are also considering expanding their cooperation to other countries

Snam4Mobility (a part of Snam Group) and Wolftank Hydrogen (a part of the Austrian Wolftank-Adisa Group) will develop refuelling stations to boost hydrogen mobility.

Both partners explore various action plans to support hydrogen in the transport sector in Italy and possibly extend it to the neighbouring markets of Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

Their first initiative is a joint expression of interest for the Institute for Technological Innovations (IIT) proposal in Bolzano to build refuelling stations along the Brenner Motorway.

Currently, there is only one public refuelling station for hydrogen vehicles in Italy, located in Bolzano. The station was build in 2012 with the support of the H2 Platform companies, including Wolftank.

H2 Bulletin Hydrogen Economy Platform shows that there have been two hydrogen refuelling stations planned in Italy to be built in Milan and Venice by Eni.

Snam will use its expertise in the hydrogen sector for the development of sustainable mobility projects. Its plan also includes building over five hydrogen refuelling stations by 2024.

Wolftank Hydrogen expects strong growth in hydrogen refuelling stations deployment across the world, particularly Europe, Japan, China and California. Millions of fuel cell electric vehicles are planned to be running on roads by 2030, which would require refuelling infrastructure.

Snam4Mobility is 100% controlled by Snam and wants to promote Italy’s natural gas for the transport distribution network. Wolftank technologies enable an energy-efficient connection between green hydrogen production facilities and the end-consumers of small and large networks. Wolftank provides prefabricated hydrogen service stations for heavy (350 bar) and passenger (700 bar) vehicles.

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