Hydrogen Economy: Net-zero carbon goals by country

Most countries that support green hydrogen have also set carbon neutrality goals.

Carbon neutrality allows keeping a balance between carbon emission and carbon absorption from the atmosphere in carbon sinks. There are several ways to remove/reduce/offset emissions, though all of them are at the initial stages of development or implementations.

Hydrogen as an energy vector has recently grabbed the world’s attention due to its environmentally friendly attributes. Multi-billion investments have been pouring in green and blue hydrogen projects around the world. Hydrogen has also now been considered one of the best solutions to fight emission in hard to abate heavy industries such as steel and cement. It has the ability to directly tackle emission by replacing fossil fuel and is complementing renewable energy.

Carbon emission is a serious issue, and many countries have now agreed to achieve carbon neutrality and set timeframes. Bhutan and Suriname are currently the only two countries that have achieved a negative carbon status.

The UN Secretary-General António Guterres, in his November 2020 address, said that the EU, Japan and South Korea had pledged carbon neutrality by 2050, along with more than 110 other countries.  He further said that by early 2021, countries representing more than 65% of global CO2 emissions and more than 70% of the world economy will have made ambitious carbon neutrality commitments.  But, we are still running behind in the race against time.

On 7th October 2020, the European Parliament backed to achieve climate neutrality by 2050 and set a 60% emission reduction target for 2030 compared to 1990 levels. MEPs now calls to put an additional interim target for 2040 to ensure smooth progress to the final goal.

H2 Bulletin Research team has set up this page to track carbon neutrality targets by country.

Region Target Year Status
North America
Canada 2050 Proposed Law
USA 2050 In Policy
Mexico 2050 Under Consideration
Montserrat NA NA
Turks and Caicos Islands NA NA
Central and South America
Antigua and Barbuda 2050 Under Consideration
Argentina 2050 Under Consideration
Aruba NA NA
Bahamas 2050 Under Consideration
Barbados 2050 Under Consideration
Belize 2050 Under Consideration
Bermuda NA NA
Bolivia NA NA
Brazil 2060 Under Consideration
Chile 2050 Proposed Law
Colombia 2050 Under Consideration
Costa Rica 2050 In Policy
Dominica 2050 Under Consideration
Dominican Republic 2050 Under Consideration
Ecuador 2050 Under Consideration
El Salvador NA NA
Grenada 2050 Under Consideration
Guatemala NA NA
Guyana 2050 Under Consideration
Haiti 2050 Under Consideration
Honduras NA NA
Jamaica 2050 Under Consideration
Nicaragua 2050 Under Consideration
Panama 2050 In Policy
Paraguay NA NA
Peru 2050 Under Consideration
Saint Kitts and Nevis 2050 Under Consideration
Saint Lucia 2050 Under Consideration
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 2050 Under Consideration
Suriname Achieved Achieved
Trinidad and Tobago 2050 Under Consideration
Uruguay 2030 Under Consideration
Venezuela NA NA
Albania NA NA
Andorra 2050 In Policy
Austria 2040 In Policy
Belgium 2050 Under Consideration
Bosnia and Herzegovina NA NA
Bulgaria 2050 Under Consideration
Croatia 2050 Under Consideration
Cyprus 2050 Under Consideration
Czech Republic 2050 Under Consideration
Denmark 2050 In Law
Estonia 2050 Under Consideration
Finland 2035 In Policy
France 2050 In Law
Germany 2050 In Policy
Greece 2050 Under Consideration
Greenland NA NA
Hungary 2050 In Law
Iceland 2040 In Policy
Ireland 2050 In Policy
Italy 2050 Under Consideration
Latvia 2050 Under Consideration
Lithuania 2050 Under Consideration
Luxembourg 2050 Under Consideration
Macedonia 2050 Under Consideration
Malta 2050 Under Consideration
Monaco 2050 Under Consideration
Montenegro NA NA
Netherlands 2050 Under Consideration
Norway 2050 In Policy
Poland 2050 Under Consideration
Portugal 2050 In Policy
Romania 2050 Under Consideration
Serbia NA NA
Slovakia 2050 Under Consideration
Slovenia 2050 In Policy
Spain 2050 Proposed Law
Sweden 2045 In Law
Switzerland 2050 In Policy
Turkey NA NA
United Kingdom 2050 In Law
Armenia 2050 Under Consideration
Azerbaijan NA NA
Belarus NA NA
Georgia NA NA
Kazakhstan 2060 In Policy
Kyrgyzstan NA NA
Moldova NA NA
Russia NA NA
Tajikistan NA NA
Turkmenistan NA NA
Ukraine 2060 In Policy
Uzbekistan 2050 Under Consideration
North Asia
China 2060 In Policy
Hong Kong 2050 Under Consideration
Japan 2050 In Policy
Mongolia NA NA
Taiwan NA NA
South Korea 2050 Proposed Law
South East Asia
Brunei Darussalam NA NA
Cambodia 2050 Under Consideration
Indonesia NA NA
Laos 2050 Under Consideration
Malaysia NA NA
Myanmar 2050 Under Consideration
Philippines NA NA
Singapore Beyond 2050 NA
Thailand NA NA
Timor-Leste 2050 Under Consideration
Vietnam NA NA
South Asia
Afghanistan 2050 Under Consideration
Bangladesh 2050 Under Consideration
Bhutan Achieved Achieved
India 2050 Under Consideration
Nepal 2050 Under Consideration
Pakistan 2050 Under Consideration
Sri Lanka NA NA
Australia NA NA
Cook Islands 2050 Under Consideration
Fiji 2050 Proposed Law
French Polynesia NA NA
Kiribati 2050 Under Consideration
Maldives 2030 Under Consideration
Marshall Islands 2050 In Policy
Micronesia 2050 Under Consideration
Nauru 2050 Under Consideration
New Caledonia NA NA
New Zealand 2050 In Law
Niue 2050 Under Consideration
Palau 2050 Under Consideration
Papua New Guinea 2050 Under Consideration
Samoa 2050 Under Consideration
Solomon Islands 2050 Under Consideration
Tonga 2050 Under Consideration
Tuvalu 2050 Under Consideration
Vanuatu 2050 Under Consideration
Middle East
Bahrain NA NA
Iran NA NA
Iraq NA NA
Israel NA NA
Jordan NA NA
Kuwait NA NA
Lebanon 2050 Under Consideration
Oman NA NA
Qatar NA NA
Saudi Arabia Beyond 2065 NA
State of Palestine NA NA
Syria NA NA
United Arab Emirates NA NA
Yemen 2050 Under Consideration
Algeria NA NA
Angola 2050 Under Consideration
Benin 2050 Under Consideration
Botswana NA NA
Burkina Faso 2050 Under Consideration
Burundi 2050 Under Consideration
Cabo Verde 2050 Under Consideration
Cameroon NA NA
Central African Republic 2050 Under Consideration
Chad 2050 Under Consideration
Comoros 2050 Under Consideration
Congo 2050 Under Consideration
Djibouti 2050 Under Consideration
Egypt NA NA
Eritrea 2050 Under Consideration
Ethiopia 2050 Under Consideration
Gambia 2050 Under Consideration
Gabon NA NA
Ghana NA NA
Guinea 2050 Under Consideration
Guinea-Bissau 2050 Under Consideration
Kenya NA NA
Lesotho 2050 Under Consideration
Liberia 2050 Under Consideration
Libya NA NA
Madagascar 2050 Under Consideration
Malawi 2050 Under Consideration
Mali 2050 Under Consideration
Mauritania 2050 Under Consideration
Mauritius 2050 Under Consideration
Morocco NA NA
Mozambique 2050 Under Consideration
Namibia 2050 Under Consideration
Niger 2050 Under Consideration
Nigeria NA NA
Rwanda 2050 Under Consideration
Sao Tome and Principe 2050 Under Consideration
Senegal 2050 Under Consideration
Seychelles 2050 Under Consideration
Sierra Leone 2050 Under Consideration
Somalia 2050 Under Consideration
South Africa 2050 In Policy
South Sudan 2050 Under Consideration
Sudan 2050 Under Consideration
Tanzania 2050 Under Consideration
Togo 2050 Under Consideration
Tunisia NA NA
Uganda 2050 Under Consideration
Zambia 2050 Under Consideration
Zimbabwe NA NA

Notes: NA means not announced or we were unable to confirm it through reliable publically available sources. 

This article was last updated on 6th April 2021. We update this page regularly. Bookmark this page to stay up to date. 

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