Lacq Hydrogen project takes a step forward

The consortium will study developing renewable hydrogen value chain between Spain and France

Lacq Hydrogen has seen some progress as the consortium has agreed to conduct the study covering key aspects of the project, H2 Bulletin reports.

The four-member consortium included Teréga (French gas transport and storage infrastructures company), Enagás (Spanish gas company), DH2 Energy (a renewable hydrogen start-up) and GazelEnergie (French energy company).

The partners agreed to study the production and supply of renewable hydrogen from Spain to France between DH2 and GazelEnergie and hydrogen transmission from Spain to France between Enagás and Teréga. In addition, the study will also look into hydrogen storage and transmission on the Teréga grid to supply hydrogen to GazelEnergie’s renewable power plant. Furthermore, the MoU also stated to study renewable power production, 100% dispatchable, via a combined cycle power plant operated by GazelEnergie.

Marcelino Oreja, CEO of Enagás, said, “Enagás’s roadmap, both in the short and long term, is aligned with the European hydrogen strategy and with the entire Spanish energy and strategic climate framework.” He further added that Spain is strongly positioned to become a producer and exporter of renewable hydrogen. The Spanish gas network is a crucial long-term infrastructure.

Jean-Michel Mazalérat, Chairman and CEO of GazelEnergie, said, “GazelEnergie is an energy producer and supplier activity involved in the energy transition. The deployment of innovative and renewable energies into the heart of the territories is a challenge that we wish to meet.”

Dominique Mockly, Chairman and CEO of Teréga, said, “As a gas operator and accelerator of the energy transition, the promotion of new gases forms part of our absolute priorities.”

Thierry Lepercq, Chairman of DH2 Energy, said, “Lacq Hydrogen is the perfect demonstration of the emerging role of green hydrogen as the cornerstone of fully dependable 100% renewable energy systems.”

The Lacq Hydrogen project was first initiated in June 2020 in response to the Call for Expressions of Interest under an Important Project of Common European Interest (IPCEI). Lacq Hydrogen is part of the Spanish Green Crane project to produce and export renewable hydrogen from Spain, a step towards the European Hydrogen Backbone, an idea presented in July 2020 by the consortium (Teréga with Enagás, Energinet, Fluxys Belgium, Gasunie, GRTgaz, Net4gas, OGE, Ontras, Snam and Swedegas).

The aim is to deploy 6,800 km of pipelines by 2030 to connect the ‘hydrogen valleys’ and 22,900 km of hydrogen networks across Europe by 2040, 75% of which will be converted natural gas pipelines, joined by new pipeline sections (25%). Hydrogen will be produced by water electrolysis in Spain using solar power at competitive prices due to abundant solar resource in Aragón.

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