Leading chemical company plans for a 20 MW electrolyser in Norway

Europe’s leading producer of vinyl, Inovyn, plans to install a 20 MW electrolyser in Norway, H2Buleltin reports.  The company wants to reduce its carbon footprints, whereas the electrolyser plant would help the company to offset an estimated 22k tonnes/year of CO2.

Ineos, the parent company of Inovyn, is the world’s largest chemical company and has experience in electrolysis technology. It has been working with other partner companies in Europe to produce green hydrogen for sustainable fuel and feedstock. It has partnered with Engie to replace natural gas with hydrogen on a commercial scale which would be the first time in Belgium, H2Bulletin covers the news separately.

Inovyn plans to supply green hydrogen to the mobility sector. It has been in discussion with other companies to develop a hydrogen refuelling network across Norway and produce hydrogen, which could be enough for 400 buses and 1600 taxis. The company will apply for funding partnering with others in the green hydrogen mobility segment.

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