AFC Energy and Ricardo to jointly develop fuel cell solutions

AFC Energy and Ricardo will collaborate to develop hydrogen fuel cells for marine, rail and static power generation applications. AFC Energy is a developer of alkaline fuel cells based in the UK, and Ricardo is a British engineering and environmental consulting firm.

Decarbonisation has recently accelerated the collaboration efforts in the hydrogen and fuel cell market to fast track the technology development. This has been further stimulated by the government incentives and toughing regulation pushing companies to set carbon neutrality targets.

The companies will use ammonia as a substitute for hydrogen in off-grid applications. Ammonia is easily handled and shipped compared to hydrogen. Both companies have already started exploring potential opportunities with Ricardo clients in the power market.

The fuel cells which AFC energy produces can accommodate hydrogen from cracked ammonia, water electrolysis, reformed biogas, industrial gas merchants and hydrogen streams.

In partnership with ABB, AFC Energy will also launch a new product to support the electrification of vehicles where grid capacity is either absent or constrained. Both companies signed the partnership deal in December 2020.

Ricardo has also a strong track record in providing environmental and engineering solutions to clients in transport, energy and scarce resources sectors.

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