Brazil’s Ceara can be a hub for green hydrogen: officials

Ceará, a state in northeastern Brazil, is considered an ideal region for producing green hydrogen given its abundant renewable energy resources.

The potential of green hydrogen in the State of Ceará was discussed in an online meeting moderated by Duna Uribe, commercial director of Complexo do Pecém. The meeting was attended by Complexo do Pecém, the Port of Rotterdam (one of the shareholders of Complexo do Pecém), the Consulate General of the Netherlands in Brazil and other state officials.

It was discussed that the state has great potential for producing wind and solar energy. Ceará can benefit from both onshore and offshore wind energy due to its favourable conditions.

Energy is the major cost of producing hydrogen. In the case of Ceará, renewable energy can be produced economically from renewable. 

Duna Uribe revealed that a committee had been formed to coordinate green hydrogen potential in the state. For that purpose, a managing body has already been formed between the state government, Federation of Industries of Ceará (Fiec), Complexo do Pecém and Federal University of Ceará (UFC).

Hydrogen has some demand locally, but the significant chunk of the demand would come from the export market. The EU could be one of the major potential buyers of hydrogen from Ceará due to the proximity. The Port of Rotterdam, which holds stakes in the Complexo do Pecém, already has experience with handling hydrogen.

Randolf Weterings, Program Manager Electrification and Hydrogen at Port of Rotterdam said that around 20 million tonnes of green hydrogen are expected to enter northwestern Europe through the Port of Rotterdam by 2050.

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