Air Liquide starts a new hydrogen station in Japan

Air Liquide Japan opened a new hydrogen station in Nagoya Odaka, Japan under a joint venture with Japan H2 Mobility (JHyM). The station is 7th in the series jointly operated by both the companies in Japan and 6th in Aichi Prefecture.

Air Liquide is a French multinational company and has successfully installed over 120 hydrogen stations across the world.

The new station is spread over 1,057 m2 whereas the estimated time of refuelling is around 3 minutes, with the supply capacity of more than 300Nm3/h and 820 bars.

The Aichi Prefecture, home to the Japanese automobile sector, is an area with 1,136 hydrogen vehicles and 27 hydrogen stations.

The number of hydrogen-powered vehicles in Aichi Prefecture is projected to increase, which justifies the region’s growing number of stations. The Japanese government plans to have 200,000 fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) on the roads and 320 stations by 2025.

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