Emerson Technologies joins SoCalGas in clean energy for H2

Residential microgrid uses advanced automation to create hydrogen from renewable electricity.

Southern California Gas (SoCalGas) has selected Emerson’s digital technologies, software and services to demonstrate the resiliency and reliability of its new [H2] Innovation Experience in Southern California.

One of the first microgrid projects of its kind in the United States, the [H2] Innovation Experience is a technology demonstration that aims to show how carbon-free gas made from renewable electricity can be used in pure form or as a blend to fuel clean energy systems of the future.

The project features a nearly 2,000-square-foot home outfitted with solar panels, a power storage battery system, an electrolyzer to convert solar energy to renewable hydrogen, and a fuel cell to supply electricity. The hydrogen produced at the site will also be blended with utility-provided natural gas and used in the home’s heat pump HVAC unit, water heater, clothes dryer and stove.

In addition to deep domain expertise in hydrogen, Emerson provides its DeltaV™ advanced process control system, safety instrumented systems, electronic marshalling technology, instrumentation, final control elements and analytics solutions to optimize the performance of the SoCalGas [H2] Innovation Experience.

Neil Navin, VP at SoCalGas, said, “Residential neighborhood-scale facilities, like the [H2] Innovation Experience, that are capable of generating, storing and transmitting electricity with zero carbon emissions will be a critical component for meeting sustainable power demand,”

Mark Bulanda, Executive President at Emerson, said, “We have worked on a variety of hydrogen projects globally, applying our expertise and technologies to automate hydrogen production and consumption, making the promise of renewable energy a reality.”

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