Hydrologiq trial hydrogen generator with Costain

On-site power provided via hydrogen fuel-cell technology has the ability to make construction sites quieter and cleaner.

Hydrologiq has added another successful trial to a growing list of hydrogen genset deployments. This time it was with Costain on the Preston Western Distributor Road.

Hydrologiq has completed a trial deployment with Costain by using the EODev GEH2 for silent, zero-emissions power generation.

The hydrogen genset was used at the Preston Western Distributor Road project’s M55 compound.

The trial is the first for Lancashire County Council in line with its carbon reduction ambitions and demonstrated carbon savings from onsite operations of between 70% and close to 100% when powered by grey and green hydrogen, respectively. Moving from diesel to green hydrogen on a similar compound could save up to 11 tonnes CO2e per month.

Hydrologiq funded the trial through an innovation grant from the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), which aims to support the deployment of hydrogen generators on real-world sites throughout the UK.

This innovation established significant benefits for the local community from using an EODev GEH2 fuel-cell and battery-integrated generator, including extremely quiet operations and the emission of water as sole by-product of its use.

The trials also showed that hydrogen could transform performance by reliably and efficiently powering an entire site compound, comprising offices, a canteen, drying room, toilets and two battery electric vehicle (BEV) charging stations.

Benjamin Lindley, director at Hydrologiq, said, “The generator itself ran so quietly that a diligent security guard raised a false alarm that the power had cut off when he didn’t hear the expected rumble from the diesel unit.”

Tara McCracken, Manager at Costain, said, “Our aim is to be a clean growth leader, enabling the uptake of low carbon solutions such as hydrogen and supporting our supply chain to achieve net zero carbon.

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