CTG Brasil announces green hydrogen research center in Brazil

Brazil has great potential for generating energy from renewable sources.

CTG Brasil to transform the Suape Industrial Port Complex into a research, development and innovation space focused on the fuel of the future, a proposed “TechHub” green hydrogen.

Led by CTG Brasil in partnership with the National Department of the National Service for Industrial Learning (SENAI), SENAI Pernambuco and the State Government, the initiative will concentrate in the Suape Port on the implementation of innovative projects focused on production, transport, storage and green hydrogen (H2V) management.

The project will have an initial investment of up to R$ 45 million. The proposals were selected in the public call for the “Green Hydrogen Strategic Mission”, promoted by the National Department of SENAI and CTG Brasil. The public call, whose result was announced in February, provided for an investment of R$ 18 million in the most innovative solutions capable of generating business related to the fuel of the future.

This initiative is part of CTG Brasil’s investment strategy in R&D+ innovation, in line with the Research and Development Program regulated and promoted by the National Electric Energy Agency (ANEEL, in Portuguese).

Rafael Lucchesi, Director General of SENAI, said, “We need to advance further in research. Our biggest challenge is to develop a diversity of sustainable and reliable energy matrices that will be able to supply the energy needs of a growing population.”

Camila Barreto, Regional Director of SENAI Pernambuco, said, “We see the Suape Port Industrial Complex as a way to test the viability of these projects in a real scenario, bringing together other companies and creating a true innovation hub.”

Carlos Nascimento, Research and Development manager at CTG Brasil, said, “One of the objectives of the initiative is to promote an ecosystem focused on the use of new technologies, improvement in the electrolysis process, increase in the total efficiency of the plant, cost reduction, training and proposition of new business models.”

For CTG Brasil, the largest investor in the Green Hydrogen program, “TechHub” plays a key role in the company’s innovation strategy, contributing with solutions and new technologies that accelerate the energy transition and boost Brazil’s role in projects focused on an economy of low carbon.

José Renato Domingues, corporate vice president of CTG Brasil, said, “It is essential to trace and certify the origin of energy for the production of hydrogen, ensuring that the plant’s power source comes from 100% renewable energy, opening even more doors for the commercialization of what is considered the fuel of the future.”

Geraldo Julio, the Secretary of Economic Development of Pernambuco, said, “This Hub shows the capacity of the Suape Complex and its diversity in embracing projects from various segments.”

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