KOWEPO, Tallgrass, and PSM to collaborate on utility-scale decarbonization

The installed fleet of gas turbines plays a fundamental role in the US grid infrastructure by offering reliable, flexible and responsive capacity.

KOWEPO, Tallgrass, and Power Systems Mfg, LLC (PSM) today announced their agreement to collaborate on key infrastructure investments for converting natural gas-fired power generation to clean hydrogen fuel use in the US.

The parties will leverage KOWEPO’s global experience in power generation and asset management, Tallgrass’ experience throughout the US in traditional and decarbonized energy infrastructure, supply and logistics, and PSM’s innovative, fuel-flexible FlameSheet™ gas turbine combustion system retrofit solution, part of their global multi-OEM aftermarket services portfolio.

Se-moon Lee, Head of New Overseas Business Department from KOWEPO, said, “This cooperation is expected to greatly contribute to the ‘2050 carbon neutral’ vision of KOWEPO through sustainable energy transition. KOWEPO is developing a hydrogen co-firing project in The Netherlands and a green ammonia production project in UAE. By partnering with Tallgrass and PSM, we have a new opportunity to enter the US power industry and will help expand the foundation to meet future decarbonized energy needs in the US.”

Blake Hotzel, VP at Tallgrass, said, “This initiative, coupled with our investments in the Escalante H2 project in New Mexico and the Trailblazer CO2 conversion project, reflects our expanding commitment to decarbonization broadly across the energy industry. By teaming with KOWEPO and PSM, we can advance investment in the type of affordable, reliable and dispatchable decarbonized energy that will be critical to meeting future energy needs in the US.”

Jeff Benoit, VP at PSM, said, “Our FlameSheet™ combustor retrofit, first installed in OEM gas turbines in 2015, will ultimately enable operational flexibility with 0-100% clean hydrogen and single digit NOx emissions, allowing these ‘future-proof’ assets to fully participate in our country’s clean energy transition.”

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