Enagás highlights Iberian potential in the future of hydrogen in Brussels

The Iberian Peninsula is key to making this project a reality” because it can take advantage of “access to low-cost renewable generation” in Spain and Portugal.

Enagás’ Chief Executive Officer highlighted the Iberian Peninsula’s potential for the future production and transmission of green hydrogen at the first European Hydrogen Backbone Day, which brought together 31 gas operators from 28 European countries on June 7 in Brussels.

The European Hydrogen Backbone is one of the most ambitious renewable energy initiatives at the European level to contribute to meeting decarbonisation targets and aims to drive the creation of a hydrogen infrastructure backbone network in Europe.

During the event, Arturo Gonzalo, together with the CEO of GRTGaz and also representing Teréga and REN, presented one of the five hydrogen corridors proposed by EHB, Corridor B: Southwest Europe and North Africa.

He also pointed out that the Iberian Peninsula can contribute to understanding energy as “an element of solidarity in Europe” and serve to transfer hydrogen produced in Spain “to Europe via France,” in addition to connecting North Africa with the European Union.

Gonzalo highlighted the good work carried out within the framework of this initiative over the last few years, fully aligned with the lines of action and objectives proposed today by the European Union: “REPowerEU gives high visibility to hydrogen corridors and the ones it envisages largely coincide with the ones we propose in EHB,” he said.

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