Abengoa provides update on its Grasshopper plant

Grasshopper is a modular plant, making it easy to transport and connect to the grid (this is known as plug and play).

Abengoa was visited by a German delegation from the Baden Württemberg region at the pilot plant to produce energy from hydrogen, Grasshopper, which the company is developing in the Free Trade Zone of Seville (Spain).

The visit, promoted by the Ministry of the Presidency of the Andalusian Regional Government and the Andalusian Energy Agency, was also attended by the German Consul for Andalusia, Ceuta and Melilla, and representatives of the German embassy in Spain.

The visit to the Grasshopper project is part of a broad agenda of two days during which the German delegation has known the Andalusian references in hydrogen and mobility.

The main novelty of this plant is that it is the first in the market capable of operating in a dynamic, flexible, and versatile manner and with a significant cost reduction, maintaining its performance throughout its operating range.

Its bidirectional communication with the electricity market allows it to offer capacity and receive requests through a platform designed for Smart grids, and its rapid response enables it to participate in the electricity reserve and grid balancing markets.

In addition to Abengoa, other companies and institutions such as INEA -Informatizacija Energetika Avtomatizacija, Johnson Matthey Fuel Cells Limited (JMFC), Nedstack Fuel Cell Technology B.V., Politécnico di Milano (Polimi) and Zentrum für Brennstoffzellen Technik Gmbh (ZBT) are participating in the consortium of this project.

The Grasshopper project meets the objective of the European Green Pact, which aims, among other things, to eliminate net greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. Moreover, among the renewable energies that could supply a substantial part of the European energy mix by 2050, hydrogen could represent up to 20%.

Therefore, hydrogen is a key point in the decarbonization of the energy sector and one of the best energy carriers for energy storage in the medium and long term, contributing to the development of a circular economy and a zero-emission society.

This project has been funded by the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 Joint Undertaking, the European Union’s Horizon 2020 framework program for research and innovation and the Hydrogen Europe and Hydrogen Europe Research associations.

Abengoa is an international company that applies an international company that applies innovative technology solutions for sustainable development in the infrastructure, energy and water sectors.

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