138 entities pledge to build hydrogen economy in Poland
Poland will add the use of hydrogen technologies in its strategy of achieving carbon neutrality.

Poland has signed a sectoral agreement to build a hydrogen economy in the country and become the first EU member to sign the agreement following the ‘Hydrogen strategy for a climate-neutral Europe’ announcement by the European Commission in July 2020.
The document called “Sectoral Agreement for the Development of the Hydrogen Economy in Poland” was signed on 14th October 14 in Warsaw. The agreement was signed by 138 entities representing various sectors of the economy, in which the production, transmission, storage and use of hydrogen will play an essential role in the future.
The agreement aims to maximise the Polish contribution in the procurement chain to construct the hydrogen economy. The agreement includes an ambitious ‘local content’ indicator at a minimum of 50% of the total value in 2030. The added value for the Polish economy from achieving this indicator is up to € 870 million. The agreement also includes proposals for actions focused on building the market from the demand side and creating appropriate legal regulations and institutional environment.
Michał Kurtyka, the Minister of Climate and Environment, said, “We are the fifth producer of hydrogen globally and the third in the European Union. It is both a challenge related to the decarbonisation of this production and a development opportunity.”
Ireneusz Zyska, Deputy Minister of Climate and Environment, noted that the sectoral agreement for the development of the hydrogen economy is an example of excellent cooperation between the government administration, local government units, representatives of entrepreneurs, the scientific community and business environment units.
Grupa Azoty, a Polish hydrogen producer, is among the signatories of the agreement. For Grupa Azoty, hydrogen technologies are among the key solutions facilitating the transition towards a low- and zero-emission economy. Grupa Azoty is a member of the European Clean Hydrogen Alliance (ECHA) and is also among the signatories of a letter of intent to build the Lower Silesian Hydrogen Valley.
Tomasz Hinc, President of the Management Board of Grupa Azoty S.A, commented, “We perceive hydrogen technologies as a crucial step towards achieving climate neutrality, especially with regard to the projects we are currently implementing, including fuel cell development and the setting up of a laboratory for accreditation of hydrogen for fuel cell applications in transport.”