TechForH2 receives grant
The start of this centre can support hydrogen as one of the green alternatives for decarbonising the energy systems.

The Swedish Energy Agency has awarded the centre of excellence TechForH2 a grant of about 162 MSEK for 2022-2026.
TechForH2 is short for “Technologies and innovations for a sustainable future hydrogen economy”. It is led by the Chalmers University of Technology and will collaborate with RISE, Siemens Energy, PowerCell Sweden, Scania, Volvo GTT, GKN Aerospace, Oxeon, Stena Teknik, Johnson Matthey and Insplorion.
Five projects will be initiated as the centre starts, one of which will focus on further developing Insplorion’s hydrogen sensor platform to improve its performance in new application areas, such as operating under high-pressure conditions. Insplorion will focus on challenges, with the hydrogen economy, for mobility applications within heavy transport solutions.
The Swedish Energy Agency has granted eleven new centres of excellence, with the overall goal to boost world-class research and innovation in areas of strategic importance for a sustainable energy system.
Patrik Dahlqvist, CEO at Insplorion, said, “This centre will improve our sensor’s performance based on industry needs and further establish it as the sensor of choice for both safety and process control applications within the hydrogen field.”
Insplorion AB offers its sensor platform NanoPlasmonic Sensing (NPS) to air quality sensors, hydrogen sensors, battery sensors and research instruments. The hydrogen sensors show a sub-second response time, making them one of the world fastest and promoting the growth of hydrogen infrastructure.