Québec Green Hydrogen and Bioenergy Strategy
The Gouvernement du Québec unveiled the first Québec Green Hydrogen and Bioenergy Strategy.

The Québec Green Hydrogen and Bioenergy Strategy has the purpose of creating a coherent framework and a favourable environment to accelerate the production, distribution and use of green hydrogen and bioenergy.
These energy sectors can provide solutions to replace fossil fuels and reduce GHG emissions, even in the most polluting sectors of activity, such as transportation and industry.
In the pursuit of its energy transition and on the strength of its natural resources, Québec intends to increase the role of green hydrogen and bioenergy in its energy portfolio in view of decarbonizing and strengthening its economy.
Québec has set objectives to fight climate change:
- reduce its GHG emissions 37.5% below the 1990 level by 2030
- reduce its consumption of petroleum products 40% below the 2013 level by 2030
- achieve carbon neutrality by the 2050 horizon
Vigorous measures are necessary to achieve these targets, effective immediately. A vast electrification initiative has begun in every sector of our economy. Many energy efficiency projects are also being conducted to reduce our energy needs.
The Strategy contains clear directions intended for the business partners, with criteria to consider in the evaluation of a project:
- the project’s relevance to direct electrification, supported by a vision without regrets with the aim of prioritizing uses in an informed approach;
- the contribution in terms of the energy transition and reduction of GHG emissions in Québec, which may arise from these projects, and the time in which these effects will materialize;
- the level of investment required and the economic impacts projected, particularly in the regions;
- the structuring effect of the project on the value chain (for example, stimulation of demand in current or new niches, development of Québec expertise and innovation, consolidation of a local manufacturing base, or creation of technological complementarity);
- technical feasibility (maturity of technologies and the necessary infrastructures), market volume and long-term potential for use and the duration for which State financial support would be required.