Murcia’s newly formed hydrogen association AHMUR holds the assembly

AHMUR, the newly established and the first green hydrogen association in Murcia has held its first assembly. The association is founded by the key stockholders from transport, logistics and technology. The founded members are:
Andamur: It offers solutions for national and international transport industries. It is a specialist company in freight transport in European routes, with an extensive gas station network in 9 countries, and cards for fuel, tolls, repairs and taxes.
Enagás: A major Spanish energy company and natural gas carrier.
Grupo Primafrio: A refrigerated transport company for fruit and vegetable and pharmaceutical products.
Soltec: A specialist in comprehensive photovoltaic solar energy solutions, focusing on solar tracking systems and innovation.
Cetenma: Murcia’s Energy and Environment Technology Centre and technical lead for this association.
The association aim is to lead and support the energy transition in Murcia. It will help in developing future hydrogen projects in the region, especially in technological applications. It will also try raising awareness amongst citizens about hydrogen as green and sustainable energy.
It will support public-private partnerships for projects. The draft for Murcia’s first hydrogen station was completed and successfully presented on December 19. The assembly also approved the 2021 action plan and budget.
The association also looked into various other regional hydrogen associations. It explored the potential of a presentation to MITECO (Spain’s Department of Environmental Transition and Demographic Challenge), on green hydrogen projects in Murcia.