Haffner Energy to roll out Hynoca Technology
Haffner Energy is accelerating its investments in R&D to offer its customers, industrial consumers of hydrogen or gas and players in clean mobility.

Haffner Energy is launching a new roll-out phase of Hynoca®, its unique technology for decarbonizing and producing green hydrogen and renewable gas by thermolysis of biomass.
The innovations implemented will increase the hydrogen production capacity of each module while reducing the footprint on the client’s site.
In this context, Haffner Energy has just signed an amendment to the contract concluded in July 2020 with R-Hynoca, a joint venture created with the company ENR (Réseau Energies Renouvelables), which is itself a subsidiary of the Strasbourg energy company R-GDS.
The initial contract specified the assembly and installation in 2021 of a pilot module with a production capacity of 11 kg of hydrogen per hour, followed by two additional modules in 2022 for a total production of three modules of 33 kg of hydrogen per hour by mid-2023.
The amendment signed on 31 May 2022 now calls for the supply to R-Hynoca of 2 modules producing a total of 30 kg of hydrogen per hour instead of the three initially planned for the same capacity. These modules will be delivered to the R-GDS site at the end of 2023. With a more efficient technology, they will also meet the space constraints of the R-GDS site.
In the meantime, Haffner Energy will install a new generation module in Strasbourg on which tests will be carried out until the 1st quarter of 2023. The two demonstration modules will be progressively moved to Haffner Energy’s future test and research and development station, whose site is currently being identified.