Germany opens €350M funding for international hydrogen projects
By promoting hydrogen projects abroad, Germany strengthening its position as an industrial and export destination.

The Federal Ministry of Economics and the Federal Ministry of Research have presented a funding guideline for the financial support of international hydrogen projects, H2Bulletin reports.
This is another crucial step towards enabling the hydrogen economy. Companies and research institutions can also submit funding applications for accompanying research projects, studies and training measures. The guidelines specifically support projects for the production and processing of green hydrogen and the storage, transport and use of hydrogen in countries outside the EU via an investment grant for the plants.
A total of € 350 million in funding is available for the period up to the end of 2024. Companies can get between 25-45% of their eligible project costs per grant. For commercial companies, funding would be a non-repayable grant up to € 15 million per project and applicant. Projects from research and scientific institutions can reach € 5 million. Joint projects between commercial companies and research institutions are also eligible for funding.
The new funding guidelines aim to promote the use of German technologies abroad, contribute to the timely and targeted development of a global market for green hydrogen, and prepare structures to import hydrogen.
Federal Minister Altmaier said, “The published funding guidelines are a central element in the implementation of the National Hydrogen Strategy. Because in addition to a strong home market, we are also relying on pilot projects from our industry in partner countries for the hydrogen market ramp-up.”
Federal Minister Karliczek commented, “International cooperation in research and innovation in green hydrogen technologies is an essential pillar of the National Hydrogen Strategy. With this funding guideline, we are providing important impetus to promoting the export of hydrogen solutions.”
The guidelines were published early this week in the Federal Gazette. The following are the four main objectives of the funding:
- The timely and targeted development of a global market for green hydrogen and the price reduction through scaling and innovation
- The promotion of the use and application of hydrogen technologies with German companies in the hydrogen value chain
- The preparation of import infrastructure to Germany
- Capacity building along the entire value chain, both within the academic framework as well as vocational training
The BMWi and BMBF, as donors, intend to support projects that focus on the most timely and sustainable market ramp-up possible or to secure technological competitiveness. The funding guideline is next to the Foundation model H2 Global, which was launched in summer 2021. The funding guidelines are being developed jointly with the BMBF implemented:
- Module 1 (BMWi) comprises international projects for the production of green hydrogen and its derivatives and storage, transport, and integrated application in industrial application and experimental development. Funding also includes integrated projects that cover several of these value creation steps.
- Module 2 (BMBF) comprises international projects of basic research and industrial research, scientific studies and training.