Gasunie connects international hydrogen supply and demand with Match & Connect

Energy infrastructure company Gasunie offers market parties for hydrogen the opportunity to easily connect with each other via the platform Match & Connect.
The platform was launched at the World Hydrogen Summit in Rotterdam, after a successful pilot. Through this pilot, users from seven countries are now active on the platform. Match & Connect helps potential end-users, producers, or traders (shippers) from around the world to bring hydrogen supply and demand together. The goal is to kick-start the international hydrogen chain for the benefit of the energy transition.
Hydrogen will play an important role in the future energy system, especially in making industry more sustainable. It is easy to use as a feedstock and as a fuel, as well as being easy to store and transport. Meanwhile, Gasunie has started developing large-scale hydrogen infrastructure in the Netherlands and northern Germany. In the Netherlands, Gasunie subsidiary Hynetwork Services has started developing the national hydrogen network, which connects the main industrial regions in the Netherlands and surrounding countries.
Part of this national network also includes hydrogen storage facilities, domestic production and import terminals at ports. Together with the hydrogen network Hyperlink in northern Germany, it creates a cross-border connection between different north-western European countries. In both the Netherlands and Germany, Match & Connect is a low-threshold way to bring hydrogen supply and demand together.
To stimulate the development of a well-functioning hydrogen market, it is crucial that hydrogen supply and demand know how to find each other. As market parties have indicated that they could use help in this respect, Gasunie has developed a platform for this purpose. Match & Connect easily connects (international) market parties, active on both the supply and demand side. Match & Connect is accessible to anyone from anywhere in the world: from producers of hydrogen to large consumers who need (large) quantities of hydrogen to become more sustainable.
Market parties are able to contact each other via Match & Connect, for example, if their supply and demand ‘match’. Registration is easy and relevant (project) information can be added to an account. Through the platform, initial contact takes place. After the contact, it is up to the market parties themselves to make arrangements outside Match & Connect. Contracts are concluded bilaterally without the intervention or interference of this platform. Neither does Gasunie.
Gasunie only helps to connect supply and demand by facilitating the functionality of Match & Connect, without having access to chat and profile data. Nice to mention: the first users from seven countries are already active on the platform!