Fortum & ZeroAvia explore hydrogen airport refuelling infrastructure across Nordic region

Fortum has, together with Zero Avia, a leader in zero-emission aviation, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to explore developing hydrogen production and refuelling infrastructure at airports. The companies will work together with a view to building a network of zero-emission flight routes.
As part of the collaboration Fortum and ZeroAvia will investigate the potential development of on-the-ground hydrogen infrastructure at relevant airports with the aim to remove emissions from both flights and the wider airport ecosystem.
On-airport hydrogen infrastructure can also support complimentary traffic from heavy-duty transportation, materials handling equipment and other energy-consuming systems. Any future decisions on possible investments will be made at a later stage
Hydrogen will play an essential role in reaching climate neutrality in Europe by 2050. Fortum is well positioned in the energy transformation being one of the largest producers of clean electricity in the Nordic region.
Fortum aims to be a key player in the hydrogen economy by developing and providing smart and agile decarbonisation solutions for customers.