BNP Paribas, HRS start hydrogen refuelling stations leasing
The new leasing solution will strengthen the HRS business model.

Hydrogen Refuelling Solutions (HRS), a French designer and manufacturer of hydrogen stations has entered into a strategic partnership with BNP Paribas Leasing Solutions to offer a financing offer coupled with purchasing a refuelling station.
The financing solution for HRS hydrogen refuelling stations will facilitate access to hydrogen mobility and consequently speed up the deployment of associated ecosystems, promoting the transition of transport to clean, environmentally friendly energies.
HRS offers a firm purchase leasing to support all types of market demands. Some future operators preferring to smooth the Capex of infrastructure over several years. The financing is expected to encourage new players to take a step towards low-carbon mobility.
During the term of the lease, the operator can definitively purchase the station or increase its capacity. It can allow customers to support the ramp-up of the deployment of its vehicle fleet by adapting the station’s capacity according to its needs. BNP Paribas Leasing Solutions is available in over 20 countries. BNP Paribas Leasing Solutions will acquire the stations at the end of the leasing contract and then lease them to the operator.
Moreover, subsidies from Ademe and other organisations can be integrated into the two funding models available.
HRS has recently announced that it acquired a 2.6-hectare land in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France, aiming to house its future production and research centre. It will allow the company to increase its production threefold, reaching 180 stations/year by 2023.
In March this year, HRS also received a new order from Plug Power to supply and install a 200 kg hydrogen refuelling station/day, 350-bar, in a supermarket logistics centre in France, to supply hydrogen to a fleet of forklifts equipped with the fuel cell solution from Plug Power.