Aramco and Gaussin to develop hydrogen vehicles in Saudi Arabia

The agreement will help promote hydrogen as a low carbon transportation fuel.

Aramco (a leading integrated energy company) and Gaussin (a clean transport company) have started a partnership in the hydrogen vehicles business.

The agreement aims to establish a modern manufacturing facility for hydrogen-powered vehicles in Saudi Arabia. Both parties will study the feasibility of a manufacturing facility and a hydrogen distribution business to serve the Middle East.

The two companies also agreed that Aramco’s new Advanced Innovation Center (LAB7) would be closely involved in Gaussin’s development of hydrogen-powered vehicles and the development of an autonomous hydrogen racing truck. LAB7 aims to integrate Aramco’s composite materials into Gaussin’s existing range of products to reduce these vehicles’ weight, energy consumption, and cost.

Aramco will also be sponsoring the world’s first hydrogen-fueled racing truck, which has developed by Gaussin and will compete in the January 2022 Dakar Rally in Saudi Arabia – the Gaussin H2 Racing Truck. This collaboration will help Gaussin compete in the Dakar Rally with the world’s first hydrogen-powered race truck.

Ahmad Al-Sa’adi, SVP at Aramco, said, “It also allows us to advance economic growth and sustainability in the Kingdom as part of the Namaat industrial investment program.”

Christophe Gaussin, Gaussin CEO, commented, “The Middle East is a key region for Gaussin, and Saudi Arabia is crucial to transfer our technologies and know-how there.”

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